If you want to operate the garage doors but don’t need to know the garage door status via your smartphone, you only need to get the remote. If you also want to know the garage door status, you also need to the monitor. The remote and the monitor can work independently.
How are remote and monitor related?
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Can I connect GDB remote device to the wall button?Can I connect GDB remote device to the wall button?
Yes, you can connect GDB remote device either to the back of the wall button or the terminals on the opener.
Enable automatic logoutEnable automatic logout
For Android phones, 1. Tap the device in ‘My Devices’ screen to go to the screen with the control buttons. 2. Tap the “dot dot dot” button. Select ‘Remote Access
Imagine the possibilities!Imagine the possibilities!
Lots of our customers have shared their unique and interesting use cases of GarageDoorBuddy at home. Here is one interesting application from Edmond, who has integrated GarageDoorBuddy remote into his