Garage Door Buddy Forum GarageDoorBuddy Monitor Monitor beeps decode (Click Here to see the content in a better format)

Monitor beeps decode (Click Here to see the content in a better format)

Number of beeps Type of beep Stage Description
1 long during factory reset when perform factory reset
2 short and fast before setup/after factory reset waiting to be programmed with SSID/password
5 short and fast before setup battery is too low for setup
1 long during setup/after paired after device joins network successfully
3 short and fast after setup/fail to get message from server cannot send message to server successfully
6 medium and slow.  The interval between each beep is about 2 seconds. after setup/fail to connect to the router’s WiFi network there is connection issue to the router.
1 to 5 medium and slow. The interval between each beep is about 2 seconds. after setup In the process of connecting to WiFi network. The connection is successful but takes a little bit long to connect.
morse code morse code cannot send message to the server successfully Error code

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