During the setup, users need to add one monitor at a time. Connect the batteries for one monitor and follow the instructions to finish setup. Then connect batteries for another monitor, and follow the instructions to finish setup for the second monitor and so on.
Can I add multiple monitors to my home network in one shot?
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Setup the monitor for the second phone and more phonesSetup the monitor for the second phone and more phones
Use the same email address and password to login on the second phone or more phones. We currently don’t support accessing the same monitor using multiple accounts.
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Yes, GarageDoorBuddy will operate on your home WIFI network and it has its own password protection. All communication between your smartphone and GarageDoorBuddy will be protected by a rolling code
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Yes, by default you will get notified when the door is left open for 15 minutes and the reminder will repeat every 15 minutes. You can change the notification time