Garage Door Buddy Forum GarageDoorBuddy Remote V2.0 Garage Door Buddy Remote v2.0 features

Garage Door Buddy Remote v2.0 features

GarageDoorBuddy Remote v2.0 is already out. You can order it here:

What is new in GDB version 2.0?

GDB v1.0 uses Ethernet to connect the device to a router and uses RF to allow the device to communicate to the opener. GDB v2.0 uses WiFi to connect the device to a router and uses wires to allow the device to communicate to the opener.

In the case that the garage distance from the router is greater than the router WiFi range, GDB v2.0 can also act as a WiFi access point to allow users to communicate to the device.

GDB v1.0 only supports a limited number of models. GDB v2.0 supports any garage door opener that has wall button control terminals.

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