Does GarageDoorBuddy support DIP switch openers?Does GarageDoorBuddy support DIP switch openers?
Yes. Please contact us to make sure your model and make are supported.
Yes. Please contact us to make sure your model and make are supported.
One GarageDoorBuddy supports up to 2 openers. In this case, you only need to get one.
Yes, GarageDoorBuddy will operate on your home WIFI network and it has its own password protection. All communication between your smartphone and GarageDoorBuddy will be protected by a rolling code
Yes, make sure you don’t hold the learn button when you program GarageDoorBuddy to your opener. Holding the learn button will erase the opener’s existing remotes.
Yes. This is the default option. Please make sure you can detect your WIFI signal on your phone outside of the garage. For advanced users, you can use router port
There is a round hole with reset button inside. Use a pen or paper clip to hold the button for 15 seconds. You will see the LED light blink red
You can find the garage door brand on the garage door opener. If you cannot determine the model and year, try all the pairing options for that brand. One of
Linear ® Chamberlain ® Liftmaster ® Craftsman ® Genie ® Overhead Door ® Stanley ® Wayne Dalton ®