Garage Door Buddy Forum GarageDoorBuddy Remote V2.0 How to get the MAC address of the GDB remote

How to get the MAC address of the GDB remote

Here’s how to find the MAC address for GDB remote.

1. Switch your phone’s WiFi to GDB device’s WiFi which is GDB2_xxxxxx.
2. Open a browser on your phone and copy paste this URL to the browser address bar.
3. You will see the MAC address.

Here’s how to find the MAC address for GDB monitor.
1. There is a round hole at the bottom side of the monitor. Use a paper clip or pen to hold the button inside until you hear four beeps, then release the button.
2. Then go to your phone’s WiFi list. You will see the network name with this pattern GDB_xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx. The part after ‘GDB_’ is the MAC address.
3. Once you finish checking the MAC address, click the button inside the round hole again to set the monitor back to normal state.

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