Garage Door Buddy Forum GarageDoorBuddy Remote V2.0 Notification on Android phones

Notification on Android phones

1. If you don’t receive notifications, check the settings here to make sure notification is enabled.  ‘Settings > Notifications.

2. If you don’t receive notifications, also check if you have google play services turned on. You can use this app to check the status.

3. The phone shouldn’t be in power saving mode during GDB monitor app installation. Also sometimes the notifications can be delayed or missing when the phone is in power saving mode.

4. If you are receiving repeating notifications on your Galaxy phone.  Check the setting in ‘Settings > Accessibility > Notification reminder’.

5. Is the notification set to ‘silent’?

6. Make sure ‘DO NOT DISTURB’ is not on.

7. If there’s a ‘Importance’ setting for the notification,  try changing it to to higher importance.

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