GDB 2.0 firmware upgrade

Go to the control screen of the GDB App where you see two big buttons.Tap “Settings Icon” on top right. Then tap “Firmware Upgrade”. Then tap “Firmware Upgrade” button to upgrade the firmware. If internet mode is enabled, disable internet mode first before doing firmware upgrade. Internet mode can be disabled in “Remote Accesss Mode” setting.

Go to the control screen of the GDB App where you see two big buttons. Tap “Settings” on top right. Then tap “About”. Then tap “Upgrade” to upgrade the firmware.If internet mode is enabled, disable internet mode first before doing firmware upgrade. Internet mode can be disabled in “Remote Accesss Mode” setting.

If firmware upgrading fails, try one more time. If it still fails, power cycle the GDB remote device and try again.

garagedoorbuddy has written 70 articles